
35. diena, 2. dalja

Nupat saneemaam e-pastu sakaraa ar muusu on-arrival training, kas bija paredzeets Belgradaa no 3. liidz 8. martam:

Dear volunteers,

Regarding current situation with Kosovo and Serbia our Director has forbidden us to organise the training in Belgrade.

We will change the location and you will get all the in formations as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Lieki teikt, ka mees neesam laimiigas. Taa gribeejaas uz Belgradu! Damjans lamaajas, Danijela ierosina riikot seminaaru pie mums, Horvaatijaa, rančo netaalu no Osijekas. Eh, dziive ir interesanta. Bet es vienalga aizbraukshu uz Serbiju!

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